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Start Saving Your Pennies...

Posted: Sun Jul 06, 2008 9:52 pm
by Dan Flanders
Hi Everyone-

Just wanted to give you a heads up that THE big collection we've all been oogling for the last several years
<> is being inventoried and ready for sale.

I just got back from spending the day up in SC where it is stored....Needless to say, it is even more impressive in person. If you haven't already signed up for the auction notification, you can do so here:

Lots of neat karts and motors and several sets of early NOS Palmini exhausts & chainguards for WB, Mac & Homelite. A number of Homelite kart a saw motors mostly in pieces, but there seems to enough to build at least several usable motors. Also a couple of uber rare NOS in the box Homelite Stroker kits.

Several PP AH-58 motors with some trick after market parts (Go Power & Palmini) motors themselves are fairly rough but accessories are nice.

The shear number of karts is astounding, my favorite right now is the modified King Enduro.... Someone spayed it with some sort of red velor so it has a red fuzzy appearance....Very pimp ride.

I'll be headed back up next weekend to help with the sale, keep your eyes posted for further info.


Re: Start Saving Your Pennies...

Posted: Tue Jul 08, 2008 12:14 am
by Dan Flanders
I've had a couple of PM's inquiring about the auction format and bidding. Currently, everything is being cataloged and photographed. It is my understanding that as we get closer to the auction date, Harm will send out the details to everyone who has registered their interest by inputting their email address. I don't know anything about the bidding process or other auction specifics beyond what was sent to me in Harm's initial email. Specific questions can be directed to


Re: Start Saving Your Pennies...

Posted: Tue Jul 08, 2008 11:21 am
by Ron Carbaugh
What city in South Carolina are the parts/karts located? Thanks.

Re: Start Saving Your Pennies...

Posted: Thu Jul 10, 2008 11:39 pm
by Ron Carbaugh
Here is my post.........

"What city in South Carolina are the parts/karts located? Thanks."

Is there some big deep dark secret as to where the location is of these parts??? If I am going to bid on items I would like to make prior plans. I guess I am on the wrong site if everyone wants to keep things secret. I can say I am very disappointed in the lack of response. So I guess this either makes me look very stupid or I was expecting common courtesy. In the future I will continue to help anyone on this site that asks for help, but I will not expect any thing in return based on this post. I would like to thank the people that have helped me with my current collection. I think I have said enough.

Re: Start Saving Your Pennies...

Posted: Fri Jul 11, 2008 12:45 am
by Dean Seavers

Dan's a good guy, and I would guess that it's Harm that wants to handle all the specifics of the auction. I'm sure Dan wasn't blowing you off- my guess is that Dan isn't at liberty to divulge the location or details of the auction, which is why he did provide a direct e-mail address for Harm so you can ask him your question directly. I was under the impression that the auction would be an online one and not a live auction on location, so where the parts are located might not be a factor if there isn't a live auction at the location.

Not that you or anyone we know would do anything underhanded, but with the way the world works nowadays I guess you can't be too careful- especially for someone like Harm who doesn't live in the US, doesn't know any of us and has a pretty vast collection of stuff locked up somewhere unattended. If Dan or Harm posted where the parts were located for you on a public forum that anyone can read, while you wouldn't make a beeline to go ransack the place, someone else who just happens to stumble upon the board just might. After all, there have been numerous crooks who keep trying to sell Dean Kossaras' Chaparral on eBay using the same ad over and over, and we never do get the straight story on the deal with the stash of parts in Henderson Nevada.

I'm sure if you use the e-mail address Dan provided, you can get a private answer to your question, or an explanation as to why not.

All the best,

Re: Start Saving Your Pennies...

Posted: Fri Jul 11, 2008 9:14 am
by Ron Carbaugh
Thanks for your answer and I respect all the aspects you discussed, BUT I would appreciate at least a Southwest South Carolina or Northwest South Carolina. My point is if I am going to plan on bidding I wanted to alert some of my Friends in the area so that they would be aware of my plans just like I do when I bid on race boats or motorcycles. I have since been made aware of the location so it is a dead subject. Dean you always try and help people in my opinion. Thanks for you time. Signing out.

Re: Start Saving Your Pennies...

Posted: Fri Jul 11, 2008 12:56 pm
by Dan Flanders
Hi Ron-
I am sorry that you misconstrued my lack of response as being discourteous or somehow offensive to you personally, it was not an intentional slight. As Dean mentioned, part of the reason I didn't reply immediately was that I did not want to post a bunch of the specific information without permission, hence the reason I posted Harm's email address so he could be contacted directly. Additionally, I started a new job on Monday (no I am not retired) and have a lot on my plate professionally and personally. I simply hadn't gotten to it and dropped the ball. I apologize that I didn't respond sooner.

It is my understanding the if you are in the area near Greenville, SC Harm is welcoming visitors who want to preview the collection. Please contact him directly for directions or specific questions regarding the auction.


Re: Start Saving Your Pennies...

Posted: Fri Jul 11, 2008 4:58 pm
by Ron Carbaugh
I didn't take it personal as several people let me know you are good guy. I just wanted to be sure I could have something picked up if I bid and IF I win something. Please disreguard my posts as a attack on you. I just felt like this isn't that big of a secret, or a big deal, and I was just somewhat put out that now one responded. Please accept my personal apolgy if you felt like it was a hit on I can get back to enjoying Go Karts. Thanks Dean and Ron Cubel.

Re: Start Saving Your Pennies...

Posted: Fri Jul 11, 2008 6:50 pm
by Dan Flanders
Hi Ron-
Thank you and apology accepted. Again, sorry to leave you hanging, I understand how frustrating awaiting an anticipated reply can be.


Re: Start Saving Your Pennies...

Posted: Mon Jul 14, 2008 12:15 am
by Dan Flanders
Hi Everyone-
Just a heads up if you've been trying to contact the site via email, they've been having problems with the web-hosting company for the last 4-5 days. I was told this evening that it is back on line. An alternate email address is:

Be patient, we are still in the process of identifying and cataloging a vast amount of stuff. I am told that the "auction" site will be up and running in the next couple weeks. Harm has two young Dutch guys (Robbin & Joreon) working full time taking, pictures and getting the web-site up and running. I'll keep the board appraised as I learn more info.

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