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GK400c chassis

Posted: Tue Jul 17, 2007 11:17 am
by John withers
Hi folks, I am seeking some advice on how to restore the frame on my GK400c to original specs.
I have owned my Go Kart chassis since '78' (in storage for 25yrs) and until a couple of weeks ago had no idea what I actually had. After posting to vintage karts forum I was blown away to find out that my kart was nearly 50 years old and is a small piece of American racing history. Well I already know that I have to remove some added bumpers (see pic) but after thoroughly inspecting the kart yesterday I've realized it needs a lot more help than that. It appears just by eyeballing it that the right rear wheel is slightly askew as is the right front wheel. Also I would like to have a new floor pan and new westbend motor mounts welded in.
Can anybody recommend a company I can contact to consult on how to get the frame professionally straightened? Someone with experience in this sort of thing.
I know of a metal fabricator here in town called Fortin welding (Columbus, OH) but I think I would rather go with someone who is experienced in this sort of work. Hopefully someone in Ohio so i don't have to ship it out.
Can anyone steer me in the right direction?
thank you , John