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TBO goes International

Posted: Fri Nov 13, 2015 7:59 pm
Well folks we did it again, we made International news !

Of course this feat would not be possible without the help of our loyal friend and roving reporter, Ireland's own Mr. Frank Weir. This is a huge honor for all of us that few in the U.S. get to say they accomplished. Together with Frank's love of the early days of Karting combined with your efforts in the preservation of the machines from Kartings beginnings we can all be proud of this prestigious honor.

We have been fortunate to have been able to view a early release of the November issue of VROOM Magazine and must say that along with Franks event write up of the weekends highlights there are some super nice photos of this years Fantastic Four winners, Virgil Loves Clinton Twin, Ted Johnson's Swoopster, plus many other cool photos.

If your interested in receiving a subscription to Vroom Magazine and would like to get a copy of this keepsake issue head to then search Vroom Magazine at the top of the page. Make sure you get the 'International' version and not the 'Italian' version for obvious reasons.

Karting...Made in America.


Re: TBO goes International

Posted: Sun Nov 15, 2015 10:46 am
by ted johnson
Frank sent me these earlier. Aren't we lucky to have such a helpful and friendly correspondent? There ought to be some kind of special award just for Frank. Ted

Re: TBO goes International

Posted: Sun Nov 29, 2015 8:06 am
by Gary Wlodarsky
wow...he even took some pics of my Dual 101 Hornet and put 'em in the mag,,,,, very impressive....great guy, great magazine...

tried putting pictures on here ,,,,all but impossible...


Re: TBO goes International

Posted: Sun Nov 29, 2015 8:55 am
On the top of the General Discussion page there is info on how to post pictures.

Copy and Paste from Photobucket or like carrier is very easy, just make sure your photos do not exceed the size limits. Camera's, PC's and Photobucket all have resizing options.

Karting...Made in America


Re: TBO goes International

Posted: Sun Nov 29, 2015 8:57 am
by Rob Voska
Or you can always ask a 10 year old. 3 clicks & they are done.